New Events in November!
Every month I publish new events you can sign up for free! Different event types target different interests. Read in this newsletter which events are planned for November.
Events in November
The events can be found on my page.
For the november events as well as for the remaining october events are still seats available. The events are completely for free. So feel invited and free to sign up and chat with us in German!
Types of events
Every other Monday I organize a debate. In this we will have a pro/contra debate about any given topic. Upfront I will send you a text (roughly one page) to read and prepare yourself for the debate. In the debate you will be randomly assigned to either the pro or contra side. This way you really can focus on your German speaking skills and not so much about your own actual opinion. 😉
Every Wednesday a “Plauderabend” will happen. “plaudern” is a German verb for having a nice chat and that’s the theme for this evening. In a nice chatty environment we discuss any topic with prompts in breakout sessions. This way you always have backup material to chat about and you can really test your German speaking skills!
Some Plauderabends are special like the one about “Rosenheim Cops”. It is a nice series in German and can be watched for free. For this event you watch one episode and answer a couple of questions. In the event itself we will discuss the episode and chat about what we thought about the episode.
Every other Friday DaF beginner come together to learn some specific topic. Sometimes a bit grammar in a given setting or we will be focusing on vocabulary. I take care that there is always time to just speak a bit in German as far as you can!
How to sign up
It’s easy!
Go to:
Select your event from the calendar.
Scroll down to:
Click on “Teilnehmen” and fill in the form:
At the moment you have to register for every event individually.
The event itself will take place via Zoom, which you can either download or use in your browser. The link and optional text will be sent out a day before the event.
Hoffentlich bis ganz bald!
Rebecca 👋
Über mich 👩🏫
Ich heiße Rebecca und bin seit 2016 Sprachenlehrerin aus Leidenschaft. Ich liebe es, neue Sprachen zu lernen, und anderen beim Lernen zu helfen. Als Host halte ich regelmäßig Sprach-Events für “Deutsch als Fremdsprache”, zur Zeit ausschließlich online.
Community 🌍
In meiner Facebook-Gruppe wirst du über die Events auf dem Laufenden gehalten und es ist Platz für Fragen und Antworten zur deutschen Sprache.
Newsletter 💌
Mit diesem Newsletter möchte ich allen Deutsch-Lernenden Material und Impulse zum Selber-Lernen geben. Es wird Erklärungen zu Wortschatz und Grammatik geben, aber auch Infos über Kultur und Sprichwörter der Deutschen Sprache. Bei fortgeschrittenen Themen werde ich den Newsletter auf Deutsch schreiben, damit du üben kannst, deutsche Texte zu lesen. Ich versuche, mindestens einmal die Woche etwas zu veröffentlichen.